Chihuahua you are applying for
Are you over 21 yrs of age *
Is Spouse over 21 yrs of age *
How long have you lived at this address
Do you have a fenced back yard
If Renting, are dogs allowed
Landlord's Name, Address, Phone
Name, Age, Relationship of any other adults living in the home
Name, Age, and Relationship of any children living in or frequently visiting the home
Are you planing on having any children in the future
List the Name, Type or Breed, Gender of any dogs living in the home, and how long you have had them
List any other dogs owned within the last 10 yrs, and why you no longer have them (ie stolen, died, gave away, etc.)
Describe an average weekday in your home
What will your newly adopted pet's living situation be like when you are not home
How will you exercise your dog
What do you consider reasonable routine vet expenses per year
Primary Veterinarian, Address, Phone
Secondary Veterinarian, Address, Phone
Are your current pets on heartworm preventative
Are your pets current on vaccines
Are your pets spayed or neutered
What temperament in an adopted dog will best suit your personality or lifestyle
List Name, Phone, and Relationship of Three Friends or Relatives