Sponsor a Chihuahua

Want to help a Chihuahua in need, but do not have the extra time or space to devote to another furry family member?
Then "Sponsoring" is for you!
What is a Sponsor?
A Sponsor is a kind-hearted person that wants to help save Chihuahuas in need.
What must be done in order to become a Sponsor?
Look over all the Chihuahua bios on our Sanctuary Residents Page and see which one you would like to sponsor.
Click on the "Sponsor" button, located on the Sanctuary Residents Page. Enter the amount you would like to donate for the Chihuahuas care and note which Chi you are sponsoring.
Sit back and let that humble feeling sink in....yep, you just did a great thing! A pat on the back is well deserved!
Sponsor's help provide the "extras" for their sponsored Chihuahua. Sponsor donations help to provide special treats, blankets, and beds for their sponsored Chihuahua.
There are times when a Chihuahua requires more vet care than the typical rescued Chihuahua, sponsoring helps ensure that care is received. Sponsors help to provide the extra special care that all Chihuahua dogs deserve!
Help save a life! Sponsor a rescued Chihuahua today!